Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or whirling, often accompanied by dizziness, imbalance, and nausea. Rohini ENT Clinic, situated in the Rohini area, specializes in Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) care. Individuals experiencing vertigo might consider seeking assessment and treatment at this clinic.

Vertigo can stem from various causes, including inner ear disorders (such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or Meniere’s disease), vestibular migraines, or certain neurological conditions. At Rohini ENT Clinic, patients with vertigo would undergo comprehensive evaluations, including physical examinations, balance tests, and sometimes imaging to identify the underlying issue.

Once the cause is determined, the clinic’s experts could provide suitable interventions. Treatment might encompass maneuvers to reposition displaced particles in the inner ear, medication for symptom relief, vestibular rehabilitation, or lifestyle modifications. Seeking timely evaluation and care at Rohini ENT Clinic can help manage vertigo, alleviate discomfort, and enhance overall balance and quality of life.